Checking in: Centro Hotel Cartagena

Checking in: Centro Hotel Cartagena

When you’re booking a place to stay for your trip, you probably look for features such as location, comfort, and service. Maybe you want breakfast included, a nice cup of coffee, and a view out your window. Centro Hotel in Cartagena, Colombia has all of the above (and then some) and is the perfect place to stay if you’re looking for a boutique hotel in proximity to anything you’d likely want to do on your vacation in Cartagena.

What To Do In Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica

What To Do In Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica

If you’re in for a chilled out, small beach town in Costa Rica with Caribbean vibes, then Puerto Viejo may need to be your next destination.

Expect reggae, Costa Rica-Caribbean fusion food, lots of palm trees and a beautiful stretch of beaches on this part of Southeastern Costa Rica. Grab some rum, rent a bike and get ready for slow “island” life (without, you know, having to get in a boat to go to a real island).

Here are a few things you can do in Puerto Viejo:

10 Amazing Things You Must Not Miss In Paris

10 Amazing Things You Must Not Miss In Paris

Paris is without a doubt one of the most lusted after travel destinations (and most-visited, too).

I read somewhere that photos with the Eiffel Tower are incredibly iconic and that it is one of the most recognized monuments in the world. Paris is romanticized in movies; you’ll see the Eiffel Tower on anything from notebooks to clothing to college dorm room posters.

Ready to jet off to Paris? Here are 10 amazing things to do in Paris that you must not miss!

How I Made an Extra $167 For Travel in 5 Days with Poshmark

How I Made an Extra $167 For Travel in 5 Days with Poshmark

Finding ways to earn extra cash for travel doesn’t have to mean picking up a side job! This week I tried out the app Poshmark for selling old stuff and it quickly became my favorite buy-and-sell app on the market.

I’m gearing up for a work + travel opportunity in Central America soon, and naturally before any trip longer than a couple of weeks, I get an itch to clean out my closet. Something about traveling makes me want to get rid of clutter so I can come home to a clean, relaxing space!

I saw a blogger post about Poshmark on their Instagram page and decided to check it out.